Home Food News Bellbrook receives solid marks on report card

Bellbrook receives solid marks on report card


BELLBROOK — Bellbrook-Sugarcreek schools did the same or better according to the much-abbreviated 2020 state report card released Tuesday.

Normally a lengthy report, this year’s cards do not contain overall grades for any district or building, individual grades or ratings for given components, or performance measures. The report cards also do not include any information about student performance on state tests, the academic growth of students during the school year, and the extent to which achievement gaps are being addressed for students.

This is in keeping with legislation passed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic that also canceled the administration of most state tests for the last portion of the 2019-2020 school year, according to the ODE.

The areas evaluated were K-3 reading, graduation rate, and prepared for success which looks at how well prepared students are for future opportunities, whether training in a technical field or preparing for work or college.

“The state report card has provided us with very little information due to the impact of COVID-19 on schools last year,” Superintendent Dr. Doug Cozad said.

The information provided was positive, though.

Every third grader in the district met the reading requirements for promotion to fourth grade. Ohio’s Third Grade Reading Guarantee ensures students are successful in reading before moving on to fourth grade. Schools must provide supports for struggling readers in early grades, according to the Ohio Department of Education.

Bellbrook’s 4-year graduation rate for students in the class of 2019 was 97.3 percent, up from 2018’s 94.2. The 5-year rate was 96.9 percent.

Bellbrook received a prepared for success score of 73.8 percent, earning 330.1 points out of a possible 447. Last year’s score was 72.6 percent. Districts earn a point for each student who earned a remediation free score on all parts of the ACT or SAT, earned an honors diploma, and/or earned an industry-recognized credential. Bonus points are earned for students who also earned a three or higher on at least one AP exam; earned a four or higher on at least one IB exam; and/or earned at least three college credits before leaving high school.

“We are happy that our scores in the areas of 4-year Graduation Rate and Prepared for Success have increased; however, as with any year, the state report card is just one piece of data that we utilize and analyze in our district,” Cozad said. “For example, we use our own internal diagnostic assessments and coursework to determine student successes and areas for improvement. We continue to look to partner with our parents, along with the students and teachers, as everyone plays a critical role in each student’s success.”

By Scott Halasz

[email protected]

Contact Scott Halasz at 937-502-4507.