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Letters to the editor


Mr. Taylor with no apologies at all


It seems to me that without the whistle blower person’s courage to make Americans aware of what is covertly happening in the government, we would never even know.

It took courage to report what they felt was wrong. An oath should hold only so far, will your oath let you load the boxcars or go all the way to the valves at the chamber?

It seems, I wonder, how else could the American public possibly know about the inappropriate contact with the Russian sources, unless the press made it public AND in case you missed it the second amendment guarantees a free and unfettered press.

It seems to me your comment about convictions and snitches could lead to the suppression of facts the public has a right to know. I, myself, would rather know the truth than have to rely on “alternative facts” that seem to have no basis in reality.

Further, if politicos are afraid what they’re saying will be made public, it probably shouldn’t be said at all.

At least that’s the way it seems to me. — Richard Seedle of Jamestown

New schools will create better environment


It’s been my pleasure to serve XCS as director of instructional services over the last year and a half. As we approach May 2, I wanted to share some information with you — as we have an extraordinary opportunity in front of us.

We have an opportunity to provide a learning environment that supports 21st century skills. Building design and construction should be student-centered, project-oriented, and technology-enhanced. The impact of school design on student learning is well documented. Improving a school’s physical environment alone can increase student performance.

Learning spaces should be large enough to allow for multiple learning activities to occur simultaneously. Space should be designed to anticipate evolving learner needs, as both student populations and the relevance of specific subjects change over time. Flexible group spaces are fundamental to a teacher’s ability to adapt to students’ needs. Spaces must be able to integrate new, innovative technologies.

Learning spaces must accommodate collaborative work, which is fundamental to the development of 21st century skills (leadership, communication, teamwork, and interpersonal skills). Environmental factors such as lighting, air quality, and temperature affect student learning and should be incorporated into school design. Further, money saved from efficient lighting, ventilation, and temperature control can be reinvested in other things that directly contribute to student achievement — such as staffing, programming, or technological upgrades.

During design, we first determine the knowledge and skills students need to acquire. The curriculum and instruction must foster the mastery of that content. The technology must enhance both the instruction and assessment strategies. Finally, the physical learning environment must meet the needs of all the above-mentioned. New learning environments are needed to support technology-equipped students working both individually and collaboratively on real-life application tasks.

I also believe the shared-building concept will contribute to community engagement and outreach. Not only will our students benefit, but the community as a whole will have opportunities to participate in academic events, social engagements, and community partnerships.

Please consider the significant impact you can have on teaching and learning in our community on May 2nd and Vote Yes!

— Sabrina Woodruff – Xenia Community Schools Director of Instructional Services