Home Opinion Erratic behavior and stable genius

Erratic behavior and stable genius


When the leader of the free world refers to himself as a “very stable genius,” maybe it’s time to worry. While Americans sit idly by and watch President Donald Trump’s volley of “mine’s bigger than yours” exchanges with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, another self-proclaimed “genius,” the rest of the world is laughing at us.

In a tweet from Camp David, Trump said, “Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.” For me, it’s the “actually” that makes it art; hat tip to Aaron Sorkin and Bradley Whitford.

Could there be a more cartoonish individual to have ever occupied the Oval Office? Think of it, this man fancies himself some kind of super-genius and benevolent dictator who is playing games with the lives of our troops and, eventually, the rest of our citizenry.

Some experts have said we are closer to nuclear war than ever before, primarily because Trump is sparing with a lunatic and neither seem to care about the outcome of such a disaster. Mr. Trump needs someone to make him understand that war isn’t a business deal where you lose, file bankruptcy, and start over with a new company under a new name. It’s for keeps – and countless lives hang in the balance.

On Jan. 5, a new tell-all book called, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” hit newsstands and e-readers around the globe. Author Michael Wolff has been both praised and heavily criticized for his blatant exposure of the chaos inside the Trump administration.

Naturally, most of the criticism comes from the president’s inner circle, particularly those who gave Wolff nearly unfettered access. And, like it or hate it, the book paints a pretty clear picture of the unmitigated inexperience in place on Pennsylvania Avenue.

While President Trump vehemently denies the image the author paints of his behavior and mental status, his public behavior seems to offer evidence to support the book’s content.

It’s true we have no way of knowing if the tone of the book is just a writer who decided to go full-on anti-Trump, or if everything is factual. But if it had no merit, why then did the president make every attempt to squash its release? Maybe you’d better read up on that First Amendment there, Donald?

Still not convinced? From the Chicago Tribune (and these are exact quotes reported by many news agencies), “I consider it a work of fiction,” Trump told reporters. “The libel laws are very weak in this country. If they were strong, it would be very helpful. You wouldn’t have things like that happen where you can say whatever comes to your head.”

It’s worth repeating – “You wouldn’t have things like that happen where you can say whatever comes to your head,” he said. Really, Mr. President? Well, at least we wouldn’t have to listen to your nonsense anymore.

Any time this man is criticized he makes some comment about wanting to squelch free speech in this country. How can this kind of behavior be defended?

Enough. As I have written before, I will always respect the office, but I will never, ever respect this man. Efforts to impeach him have died in Congress, for multiple reasons and aren’t likely to resurface before the 2020 election season.

In the meantime, all we can do is hope that he doesn’t get us into a nuclear shootout with North Korea. And, despite what you might think, this kind of behavior does eventually trickle down to Main Street, USA as people become more convinced that it’s acceptable for our leaders to just go off half-cocked whenever they want.

Our government is set up with checks and balances to prevent any kind of major disaster at the hands of one person or department. But, for those oversights to function, people must act.

The “Fire and Fury” book might be fiction, who knows. But Mr. Trump’s erratic behavior is well documented. Someone like this is not a good leader, nor is he fit for a position where, by his actions, the welfare of millions, if not billions, of people must be considered every moment.

Deer in Headlines

By Gery L. Deer

Gery L. Deer is an independent columnist and business writer. Deer In Headlines is distributed by GLD Enterprises Communications, Ltd. More at www.gerydeer.com.