Home Food News Fairborn school report card released

Fairborn school report card released


Herald News Report

FAIRBORN — The Ohio Department of Education released partial report cards for each district across the state Thursday. It included information regarding graduation rates, K-3 literacy and preparedness for success.

The Fairborn City School District’s four-year graduation rate, according to the state report card, refers to the amount of students who entered ninth grade in 2011 and finished in 2014. FCS scored an 88.7 percent, which is a C in the eyes of the state. It would have scored a B if the district would have received an 89 to 92.9 percent, while an A would have been 93 percent and above.

Its five-year graduation rate applies to the class of 2013 and measures the amount of of students who began their freshman year of high school in 2010 and completed by 2014. FCS was given a B, receiving a rating of 92.7 percent.

The K-3 literacy score is intended to investigate whether or not more students are learning to read in kindergarten through third grade, according to the state report card. FCS was not graded in this category because less than 5 percent of kindergarten students are not on-track this year. Additional details in this category are yet to come.

Preparedness for success aims to highlight whether or not FCS graduates are prepared to enter college or the workforce, measuring the amount of students who participated in the ACT (52.6 percent) and the amount of students who participated in the ACT remediation-free (22.2 percent); the degree of SAT participation (8.7 percent) and SAT remediation-free participation (5.3 percent); the number of students who received an honors diploma (21.8 percent); the amount of students who received an industry-recognized credential (4.5 percent); the degree of students who participate in advanced placement courses (31.2 percent) and the amount of those students who scored a three or better on AP exams (8.3 percent) as well as the number of dual enrollment credit participation (8.7 percent).

Herald News Report compiled by Whitney Vickers.