Home Recipes Religion Faith-filled soldiers, faithful God

Faith-filled soldiers, faithful God


1 Chronicles 5:20 “They were helped against them, and the Hagrites and all who were with them were given into their hand; for they cried out to God in the battle, and He answered their prayers because they trusted in him.”

Sometimes even the strongest of faith-filled soldiers need help.

1 Chronicles tells of a battle fought by some of the tribes of Israel. The fighting men, trained for war, were strong and skilled in combat. Yet in the midst of the battle they cried out to God for help. The Lord heard their cry of faith, intervened, and handed the enemy over to them.

We are all fighting some kind of battle today. Some suffer with a sickness that is getting the best of them. Others are financially insecure. Relationship struggles, employment issues, disappointments, difficult decisions … all of these circumstances can discourage the strongest of God’s children. But there is a way to get through the physical and emotional fray.

Just as the Israelite soldiers cried out to God for help in their distress we, too, can call upon our God to save us. To Him alone belongs wisdom and power. Counsel and understanding are His (Job 12:13). His knowledge encompasses all the intimate details of every circumstance. His wisdom extends beyond the borders of our understanding. His love is inexhaustible and His power is limitless. When we call out in faith He promises to come to our aid.

With His help the mighty Israelite warriors seized all of the enemies’ livestock and took one hundred thousand people captive. The battle was won, but not because of the soldiers’ brains and brawn. These men were beneficiaries of a victory that belonged to the Lord because they trusted Him and looked to Him for aid.

For those who are weak and for those who are strong, God’s message is the same. Turn to Him in every circumstance and in every battle. His ear is open and His hand is ready. Call out today in faith. The victory belongs to Him. — Love Mama


By Sandra Sheridan

Sandra Sheridan is a Midwest wife and mother of five. She shares her letters to her children with our readers. Visit her at www.VersesFromMama.com.