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National day of what?


Have you paid any attention to some of the special days that are recognized as “national observances.” Many special interest groups have lobbied to have a day designated to pay homage to or bring awareness to an activity, an issue, a person, a food item, or a pet project.

Just look at this list of special days in the month of May:

— May Day and Principals Appreciation Day (1) He introduced me to the Board of Education!

— Cinco de Mayo (5) See corny joke below.

— Nurses Day (6) Thanks for your compassionate care!

— Teachers Appreciation Day (8) Underpaid and overworked, they are!

— Eat What You Want Day (11) That’s one I will certainly support!

— Piercing Day (16) Ouch!

— Pizza Party Day (18) Your place or mine?

— Brothers Day (24) I have two amazing brothers!

— Brisket Day, Hamburger Day, and Memorial Day (28) Yes to all three!

— Senior Health & Fitness Day (30) Please don’t remind me!

Years ago there was a shortage of condiments in Mexico, so the government contracted with England to send over a boatload of mayonnaise for distribution to their citizens. Unfortunately, the ship went down in the Atlantic and that’s why our friends south of the border celebrate “Sinko de Mayo”!

Today, May 3, is designated as National Textiles Day, National Garden Meditation Day, National Lumpy Rug Day, National Paranormal Day, National Raspberry Popover and National Chocolate Custard Day, National Two Different Colored Shoes Day, and National Day of Reason.

But the most important observance for any concerned American on this day is that it is the National Day of Prayer! I’m not sure you even have to believe in God to agree that our world, our nation, our state, our community, our homes, and our personal lives need to change for the better. For those who believe in coming before Almighty God in prayer, this day provides a corporate opportunity to “humble (our)selves and pray and seek (His) face.” As a result, we know that He “will hear from Heaven, will forgive (our) sin, and heal (our) land.”

There will be people reading from the Bible in 15-minute segments on the west steps of the Greene County Courthouse this morning. You are invited to stop by and listen and pray for as long or as short as you can.

Tonight at 7 p.m. Xenia First Nazarene Church, 1204 West Second Street, will be the site for a special National Day of Prayer service featuring the theme “Unity.” Jill Drake Basler, volunteer coordinator of this event and a member of First Nazarene, has lined up community leaders to offer prayers for those who serve in education, military, government, service, and ministry assignments. The one-hour service will be led by laypeople from several different churches and is open to the public.

Let’s face it—we need God! I need him. You need him. We all need His presence, His power, and His grace. It seems like we have tried without Him for a while. So why not turn to Him and give Him the opportunity to bring us back to the things that really matter, the things that will last forever, the things that will bring positive change to all our lives?

Enjoy the third of May. Make it a Day of Prayer. And just for the fun of it, wear two different colored shoes today!


By Michael Hancock

Michael Hancock is the Associate Pastor at First Church of the Nazarene.