Home Opinion American agriculture

American agriculture


This planet upon which we live our lives, is the source of all substances, plants, materials and life-forms that exist, including the foods consumed, is it not? Therefore, it is a factual statement that the nutrient materials consumed by said life forms are, in fact, organic and natural.

Those advocates of “natural/organic” foods are to be admired up to a point. The natural/organic food crowd has an open hostility to any other mode of health-dietary regimen which does not conform to their beliefs.

The vast majority of American farm operations are still family-farms. Today, in the 21st century, instead of 100-160 acres being typical, the family-farm enterprise is in the range of 400 on up to 1500-2000 acres. After World War I, one farm produced around food and fiber for 10-15 people. Today in 2018, that number is well over 130-140 people, and growing. Less than 1.5 percent of the American population is engaged in production agriculture, i.e., farming!

There are many reasons for these current data: Research, economic viability, increased productivity, more efficient technologies, water and soil conservation practices, along with access to ever-changing data and more effective utilization of production inputs and genetic crop yield potential, are just a few among many.

American agriculture and agri-business are NOT the evil monsters that a zealous “all-natural” segment attempts to portray. Antibiotics and GMO technologies are not poisoning all life-forms and our environment. Rather the positive and safe benefits there of are incredibly huge and amazing.

Ethanol and John Deere are not evil monsters depriving any person or life-style, subsidized by federal funding. The time is long past when well-meaning, but totally misinformed former “flower children” should go bonkers against anyone or anything with whom they disagree. Instead, let us ALL count out blessings and be thankful that we are Americans and live in this “land of the free and home of the brave.”


By Dean Gordin

Dean Gordin is a Cedarville resident and guest columnist.