Home Opinion Don’t twist the word of God

Don’t twist the word of God


The Word of God is used many times to communicate things that God may not have intended to be communicated. God simply wanted to give us a guide to live by and to give us a record of His love. People search the scriptures for a little support for their theories, instead of looking for a guide to live by. Sometimes I twist the Bible to make it fit my purposes. Satan twisted Scriptures when he tempted Jesus.

Signs are put up and the intention was to say one thing and they ended up saying another. These are some seen signs that might not have communicated what was hoped for:

1) On a California freeway: Fine for Littering

2) On the wall of a British Columbia cleaning service: Able to Do the Worst Possible Job

3) Billboard on Florida highway: If You Can’t Read, We Can Help

4) In a Grand Rapids restaurant: Half baked chicken.

Someone recently communicated to me a verse from the Bible: “He who is perfect cast the first stone.” The person was wanting me to know that no one should judge. That verse fit their situation but was totally taken out of context. Jesus saved a woman that was caught in adultery and ended the scene by saying: “He who is perfect cast the first stone.”

The person in the highest moral ground (Jesus) spoke to those of lower levels not the other way around. In other words, this person was on a lower level of ground and made many mistakes in their life and wanted to remind those that haven’t made as many mistakes, not to judge them.

You see how that is taken out of context? We are not to judge others, but on the same token, when we are guilty we shouldn’t quote Jesus and use that to somehow justify our lifestyle. Jesus was on a higher moral ground not a lower one, when He said; “He who is perfect cast the first stone.”

Another scripture that is not read closely is found in Matthew 7 where Jesus says: “Judge not lest you be judged.”

Again, the person of the highest moral standard is saying this to us. People who are living lives of sin have no right whatsoever quoting this passage and telling us “better” people how to not judge them. In fact, if you read all of Matthew 7 you will see that Jesus does want us to clean up our act, or be on a higher moral ground, so we can see clear enough to make judgments and help others.

It is so interesting to me how many people use scripture to justify their current situation instead of using scripture to guide them on what they should be doing to take the next step for Christ. Don’t twist, just submit to God’s word.


Dr. Andy Spencer

Dr. Andy Spencer is the Senior Minister of First Church of Christ on Ledbetter Road in Xenia and guest columnist.