Home Features Glory Ministries Church to honor Dillon

Glory Ministries Church to honor Dillon

Glory Ministries Church to honor Dillon

Greene County News Report

XENIA — Glory Ministries Church will host its eighth pastoral honoring its pastor, the Rev. Dr. Gloria Dillon Sunday, Sept. 18 at the church, 880 Hoop Road.

The 10 a.m. worship service will be with the Rev. Kima Cunningham, director of interfaith campus ministry at Central State University, who will deliver the morning message.

The 4 p.m. worship service will be with guest preacher the Rev. Leroy Anthony, pastor of Middle Run Baptist Church of Xenia.

Dillon is a native of Zanesville, a retired Xenia educator of 34 years, who recently was awarded The Charles A. Glatt Human & Civil Rights Award for her community service to improve human relations. She is a graduate of Central State University and has a masters degree from the University Of Dayton and a doctor of ministry from United Theological Seminary.

She is married to Vermon L. Dillon and has two sons, Charles, who lives in Vandalia, and Mica,h who lives in Kettering, and five grandchildren.

Dinner will follow the morning worship service.

Submitted photo The Dillon family: Micah, Charles, the Rev. Dr. Gloria and Vermon.
http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/32/2016/09/web1_The-First-Family.jpgSubmitted photo The Dillon family: Micah, Charles, the Rev. Dr. Gloria and Vermon.

Greene County News report compiled by Scott Halasz.