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Xenia student trying to help needy

Xenia student trying to help needy

XENIA — A Xenia High School student is trying to make sure everyone has access to essential products during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Garrison Henry launched the Hygiene for Homeless Project and is trying to make sure those without a place to live can stay as clean and healthy as possible.

“As our governor urges the Ohio people to stay home, many do not have the ability to do so,” Henry said. “With shelters, businesses, and much of the resources the homeless relied on shutting down, this community had no where else to turn. It is important that the health concerns of those who are less fortunate are not neglected.”

Henry is hoping to pack approximately 50 hygiene kits filled with body wash, deodorant, face masks, hand sanitizer, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and more. He has partnered with Apex Community Church and its current Homeless Outreach Program to have an outlet for distribution.

The distribution is set to take place at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, April 25 at the Desai Center, 101 Bellbrook Ave.

It’s quite the undertaking and Henry is hoping the community will rally around this venture. He is raising money through GoFundMe, which can be found at https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-create-hygiene-kits-for-local-homeless .

So far he has raised $235 of his goal of $500.

“Materials are not only expensive but hard to come by given the high demand for these products,” he said, adding that he is in search of sponsors as well.

“It is important that those in need are informed of this project and what I have to offer,” Henry said.

Eventually he hopes to extend the project outside of Xenia but added that he needed to “start small.”

“It’s going to take a lot of work and support to root this project, but it’s for a good cause,” Henry said. “I hope to use this experience as a stepping stone for future projects.“


By Scott Halasz

[email protected]

Contact Scott Halasz at 937-502-4507.