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Less-lethal weapons available for police

Less-lethal weapons available for police
<p>Submitted photo | Xenia Police Division</p> <p>Xenia Police Division’s 40mm LMT Tactical Single Launcher, Expandable Stock, has been used in XPD’s SWAT team operations. The department switched to this type of weapon because they can be used in a broader range of incidents where less lethal force is needed.</p>

XENIA — On a recent walking tour of the Xenia Police Division Training Facility, city council members got to try out some fairly new weapons that are gaining in popularity: The 40mm LMT Tactical Single Launcher and the 40mm eXact iMpact Sponge Round.

Led by firearms instructor Sgt. Lon Etchison, city officials took turns firing at a full-size cardboard target 15 yards away from where they were standing and seemed to enjoy the experience.

“Two years ago we started replacing the less lethal shotguns in our patrol cars with these single shot launchers,” said Etchison. “We are switching to them because they can be used in a broader range of incidents where less lethal force is needed. Everyone likes the launchers — they’re simple to use, lightweight, and very accurate.”

Etchison gave an example in which the weapons might be used — such as officers being dispatched to a park where they encounter a suicidal subject armed with a knife. When officers arrive on scene, they have several different use of force options available: Deadly force using their issued pistol or patrol rifle; taser, an ASP (collapsible baton), OC (oleoresin capsicum or pepper spray), 12 gauge less lethal shotgun using bean bag rounds, and a 40mm Tactical Single Launcher.

According to Etchison, the 40mm launcher would give the responders an advantage over the other force options — the ability to use force from a greater distance. The taser has a theoretical maximum effective range of 25 feet, in reality it is closer to 15 feet. A baton is an impact weapon so the officer would have to be within just a couple of feet of the subject to use it. The 40mm launcher is easier to use and has a better sighting system than the 12 gauge less lethal shotgun.

“They are an incredible ‘long range’ addition to the tools we have available to use during incidents which may require a use of force.” Etchison said. “They provide a way to de-escalate certain situations and one day may keep us from having to resort to deadly force.”

The launchers were purchased using different law enforcement funds — no grant funding was used. Each launcher, once fully equipped with sight, light, sling, and projectile carrier on the stock, costs more than $1,000. The eXact impact sponge rounds cost more than $20 each.

“The 40MM launcher system provides officers with specialty munitions that allow for greater stand-off distances, more accurate deployments, and safer targeting areas,” said Det. Rob Swihart, XPD SWAT commander.

The sighting system on the 40mm launcher is more precise than the sights on the less lethal shotgun which reduces the risk of hitting subject outside of the main preferred target area (upper legs). The 40mm eXact sponge round is also safer and more effective than the 12 gauge bean bag round.

The launchers stay locked in each patrol car until they are needed. Under the current staffing at the XPD, all 48 personnel must be certified to use the weapons which requires classroom lecture and a written and practical test.

Etchison, as the head firearms instructor and former SWAT team commander at the XPD, believes the weapons serve well as a deterrent.

Reach Karen Rase at 937-502-4534.