Home Notice Box Community Faith Community United Methodist Church holding blood drive

Faith Community United Methodist Church holding blood drive


XENIA — Faith Community United Methodist Church will help boost the winter blood supply by hosting a community blood drive 2-6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 18 in the Community Center, 100 Country Club Drive.

Everyone who registers to donate will receive the commemorative “Ohio Blood Donor Awareness Month” T-shirt. Schedule an appointment online at www.DonorTime.com or call 800-388-GIVE.

CBC has an immediate need for blood donors to maintain the blood supply during the heart of winter. CBC is also emphasizing the strategic goals in 2019 of recruiting new platelet and plasma donors and providing more opportunities to donate platelets and plasma at community blood drives.

Platelets are the cells that control bleeding while plasma is the fluid that carries nutrients and proteins throughout the body. Both are vital for the treatment of cancer, trauma, organ transplant, and burn patients. New platelet donors are in high demand, especially those with blood types A, AB, or B positive. Find out more at www.GivingBlood.org or talk to an apheresis specialist at 937-461-3220.

The commemorative Ohio Blood Donor Awareness Month T-shirt is free when you register to donate at the Dayton CBC Donor Center or any CBC mobile blood drive. CBC is offering the commemorative shirt through March 2 so more donors will be eligible to receive it.