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Hope and unity over fear and division


Whilst sun and moon endure America shall remain a city of refuge for the whole earth until she herself “shall play the tyrant, forget her destiny, disgrace her freedom and provoke her God.

The worse were spoken by the Rev. George Duffield, pastor of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia in May 1776, attended by such patriots as John Adams. Rev. Duffield later became Chaplin of the Revolutionary Army. Those words had a profound influence over all in attendance that day and should have a more profound influence on those reading them today.

Because we are now doing what he was peaking of then, we have forgotten our destiny by forgetting the purpose of becoming an independent nation.

We have disgraced our freedom with slavery, racialism, bigotry and killing of the innocent. We have provoked our God by placing God after pleasure and changing God’s laws with liberal laws of man by justifying immoral acts by our religious and political leaders by taking a sympathetic approach to justice.

Is this the new Babylon?

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “we will all learn to live as brothers or will we die as fools.” Then why so many who call themselves civilized people chosen the path of the “fool.”

By Kelvin Liggins

Kevin Liggins of Xenia and is a guest writer for Greene County News.