Home Opinion What will happen

What will happen


The future is uncertain and often out of our control. Things just happen, no matter how much we prepare for them. Rich or poor we all meet the day the same way but what we do within that day is the matter we end up in. A wise heart discerns both time and judgment because for everything there is a time and judgment. In the midst of our discerning whether this or that would be good, life happens, and the fear of uncertainty creeps in making us question the very will of God in our life, We say things like, “Why does this happen to me?”

Jesus makes it clear to us that “Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life” (Matthew 7:14) If you’re like me and have heard that God is the God of love, why would He say that?

That is truth! It is only one way! The truth road is so narrow that men can seldom walk together with locked arms, its as if we walk in a single line, believing in a general truth. Me! We judge, but from what standpoint do we judge? What people have told us? A story we can reason with? Our personal convictions? Why has the Holy Bible been tried, convicted and burned, but it always comes back to out live it’s adversaries?

Back in the 1500s, William Tyndale spent all his income to print 6,000 Bibles in English only to have a bishop buy them because he disagreed that everyday people should have Bibles that they could read, and he burnt them on the church steps. That only fueled the fire for William and brought more income in to make more! It’s as if we try to bury Jesus alive with our judgment and we say “don’t judge me,” and we wonder what happened to our life? But the truth can’t die, the sun rises on the evil and the good, and it rains on the just and the unjust.

I’m tired of my judgment, my way of doing things. I fail again and again, but God’s mercy is made new every morning. The outcome can be good but we have to choose to repent, life and death is a war that has no release, it’s a path we’re all on “ for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” This is a foretelling of things to come, a “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” no matter what this world has said or how awful it is, or how our hearts are hardened, the tears have run out, your voice may be gone! We can’t let what happens in our life break us! Cry out to the Lord, and He will save us, help us, and understanding will come to restore a LIFE, that will happen.

By Benjamin Budde

Benjamin Budde is a husband, father, preacher, artist and songwriter. He can be reached at [email protected]. Viewpoints expressed in the article are the work of the author.