Home Notice Box Top Stories CSU president to host business after hours event

CSU president to host business after hours event


WILBERFORCE — Central State University President Jack Thomas will host an informative quarterly business networking event to help local entrepreneurs and corporations find new and innovative ways to build capacity and explore pathways to partnership with Central State University.

The Business After Hours event will take place from 5-7 p.m. on June 30 in the Central State University Student Center Ballroom, at 1400 Brush Row Road, Wilberforce.

“We invite business leaders to learn from the experience of others in a friendly, nurturing atmosphere,” said Stephen Washington, director of community engagement and business partnerships at Central State. “By attending Business After Hours, participants can also explore opportunities to form partnerships with Central State University, learn about the vendor process, and discover from others how to engage students in successfully arriving at their entrepreneurial destination.”

Thomas said he wants “Central State University’s Business After Hours event to be the premier networking event of the year for the Dayton and surrounding community.”

“We want individual, small, and corporate business owners to know that we at Central State are committed to their success,” Thomas said.

To register for the Central State University Business After Hours event visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/368357496187 and use code CSUPBA1. For more information email [email protected].


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